Thursday, December 15, 2011

Woodland Hills Carpet Cleaning

Woodland Hills Carpet Cleaning

OPEN 24/7

Serving all surrounding cities

Need your carpet, couches, drapes, and area rugs cleaned, but don't want to expose your family to those harass chemicals? Well we are just what you are looking for. We are a non toxic carpet cleaning company. We know just how important your family is to you and that is why all our cleaning methods only use cleanser that are:

  • Nontoxic
  • Natural
  • Biodegradable
  • Contains no phosphates
  • Leaves no residue
So Call today to set up your appointment

Check out what else we do:
·  Upholstery Cleaning
· Tile and Grout Cleaning 
· Area Rug Cleaning
· Drapery Cleaning
· Cars, Rv and Boat Cleaning
·Mattress Cleaning
·Urine Stain Removal
·Sanitize & Deodorize
·Scotch Guard
·Carpet Dye
·Water Damage 


  1. I practice a very green lifestyle. I use reusable bags, Drive an electric car and only feed my family and pet organic/ all natural foods. So naturally when I am looking for carpet cleaner I want them to be all natural as well. Well to my surprise these company are very few. Sure many claim to be a all natural company but when you ask them to explain what is in there cleaning solution they can even pronounce the chemicals. However, Woodland Hills Carpet Cleaning is not one of these so called "green companies" they are the really deal. They were able to explain to me just what was in their solution and just how their cleaning methods worked. After they cleaned my home the only thing you could smell was the freshness of a clean home. Thanks to them I was able to keep practicing my GREEN LIFESTYLE.

  2. Top notch content is all I have to say about your blog. I bet your customers are thrilled with the work you do. I strive to do the same with my profession with carpet cleaning Portland Oregon I'm blown away and hope you continue to add fresh content.

  3. Thanks for this tip. I'll definitely have to try it. After cleaning the grout, it was looking dirty again after a few months. That's the problem with light colored grout I guess. I really don't want to scrub each grout line again, so I'll try using a little bit of bleach the next time I mop..
    Carpet Cleaning

  4. Super info you have got bestowed here. carpet cleanup Portland OR will corroborate that everything in your post is factually correct.
    Carpet Cleaning

  5. This is really informative blog for students, Commercial cleaning west palm beach keep up the good work.
